Driving Directions
Traveling I-75/85 North
Take the 10th/14th Street exit. Turn right onto 14th Street. Go to 4th light and turn right onto Crescent Ave. Go to next street and turn right on 13th Street. Lava Lounge is 1/2 block down on the left. Get directions.
Traveling I-75/85 South
Take the 10th/14th Street exit. Turn left onto 14th Street. Go to 4th light and turn right onto Crescent Ave. Go to next street and turn right on 13th Street. Lava Lounge is 1/2 block down on the left. Get directions.
Location Details
57 Thirteenth St.
Atlanta, GA 30309
Phone: 404.873.6189
Fax: 404.873.6469